Social Media Essay 100 Words: Short Essay

Social Media Essay 100 Words
Social Media Essay 100 Words

Social Media: Short Essay in 100 Words for Class 1, 2, 3, 4

Social media is a few websites and apps that keep us to stay connected with other people in society through the internet. Facebook and Twitter is the biggest and leading two social media platforms. You will find everyone with a Facebook account. It has some really good sides. We can stay connected with lots of people that we know in our life. It’s not possible to interact with everyone in real life. But social media has given that chance to us. It has some bad sides too. Young people get too addicted to this. Then it becomes a way to waste time. We should not waste time with it.

This is a very short essay on social media in 100 words. This essay is only for children from class 1, 2, 3, and 4. They can learn this short essay easily. It is an important topic for the exam.

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