Short Paragraph on a Rainy Day in 200 Words

Short Paragraph on a Rainy Day for All Class Students

People of all ages enjoy rainy days. It is a very important time for the kids. They enjoy most at this time. Personally, I love to get wet in rainwater. Rain comes right after too much hot weather. It gives so much pleasure in human life. Kids go outside, jump into the water and play with paper boats. It is a very good moment for school students. Most of the time, their schools get closed due to heavy rain. When some students go to school, they enjoy the weather a lot.

They can stay at home and spend the entire day reading storybooks or watching television. For some people, it is so hard to spend leisure time on a rainy day. Most importantly it is highly important for the farmers. Rainwater helps to grow their crops in the field. That’s why the farmers want to rain a lot. But too much heavy rain could be risky for the crops. For me, rainy is very special. I have lots of memories regarding it. I spend time with my cousin Tanisha on the rainy days. She comes to visit my home and we spend time on the roof.

I love to get wet in the rainwater. My cousin sings songs sometimes while we get wet in the water. It is a very pleasant moment for me. But everyone doesn’t enjoy a rainy day. Homeless people, who need to sleep in the street don’t get any shelter to, spend their night. It is very hard for them. Overall a rainy day has some good and some bad sides.  

Writer: Sunil Mehta  

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