Essay on Cow 100 Words | Short Essay for Kids

Essay on Cow 100 Words
Essay on Cow 100 Words 

Cow: Short Essay for Children in 100 Words

The cow is the most popular domestic animal in the world. You will find a cow in almost every country in the world. The cow is considered as a holy animal in India. Cow milk is really important for us and it’s a huge source of food. Cow meat has lots of demand across the world. India is the number one cow meat exporter in the world. They earn lots of money exporting cow meat. It is really easy to maintain a cow and it is profitable. We can prevent poverty by raising a cow. It is a really calm and quiet animal that is easy to handle.

This is a very short essay on cow in 100 words. This essay is only for children from class 1, 2, 3, and 4. They can learn this short essay easily. It is an important topic for the exam.

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