4 Letter Animal Names | Pictures, Definitions, Sentence Examples

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4 Letter Animal Names
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4 Letter Animal Names – Definitions, Examples


Definition: Lion is a member of the ‘Felidae’ family. It is mostly known because it’s a strong and muscular body. It is short and mostly known as ‘King of Jungle’. Lions are seen in Africa mostly. The scientific name of Lion is ‘Panthera leo’.

Example: Lion is the king of jungle.


Definition: Ducks are a kind of waterbird. Sometimes get confused and mix it with the birds. It is a member of the ‘Anatidae’ family. The scientific name of the duck is ‘Anas platyrhynchos’.

Example: Duck is a widely known and popular water bird.


Definition: Goat is a domestic animal raise all over the world. It is known and popular for tasty meat. The goat milk has a huge nutritious value. It has a lifespan of around 15 years. The scientific name of Goat is ‘Capra aegagrus hircus’.

Example: Goat is easy to raise and it’s profitable too.


Definition: Bear is a member of the ‘Ursidae’ family. They are classified as doglike carnivorans. The scientific name of the bear is ‘Ursidae’.

Example: I love to see bear in the zoo.


Definition: Deer is a member of the ‘Cervidae’ family. There are different types of groups in this family. You will find different colors and body structures deers. The scientific name of deer is ‘Cervidae’.

Example: Deer can run very fast.


Definition: Dove is a white bird, that is loved by everyone in the world. People raise this bird as their hobby. The scientific name of this bird is ‘Columbidae’.

Example: I have a hobby to raise some doves.


Definition: Crow is a widely known bird. The scientific name of this bird is ‘Corvus’. It is black, but in some rare cases, you will find grey crows too.

Example: Crow is a helpful bird.


Definition: Lamb is a very calm and quiet animal. The scientific name of this animal is ‘Ovis aries’. It is mostly seen in the hilly areas. It is also known as ‘Sheep’.

Example: Lamb is a clam domestic animal.


What animals have 4 letters in their name?

Bear, Lion, Crow, Dove, Deer, Seal, Lamb, etc are some animals that have 4 letters in their name. We have provided a big list here for you. I am sure you will find it useful.

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