Cleanliness is a really important and good habit for everyone. We should keep our house, environment and everything neat and clean. In this topic, we are sharing 10 lines on cleanliness in English for all the students and children. This is a really important topic for everyone to know about. Please share these lines with your kid and let them learn more about it. You will find suitable points for every class.
These lines on cleanliness are for classes 2, 3, and 4. You can learn these lines easily. These are so much simpler.
1. Cleanliness is a major step in our life for having a healthy life.
2. Anyone can keep himself clean.
3. If you don’t keep yourself clean, then you can face diseases.
4. Clean people don’t get sick too often.
5. We all need to clean the dust from our environment.
6. Our cleanliness can save the environment.
7. If you are clean, that will have a positive impact on your mind.
8. As a student, you can focus on your studies better.
9. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, so you can assume the importance of it in our life.
10. There are lots of movements in our country to clean our environment.
10 Lines on Cleanliness for Class 5, 6, 7
These lines are for classes 5, 6, and 7 students. These can remember these sentences easily.
1. Cleanliness is a really good habit for everyone. We should keep our environment and surroundings neat and clean.
2. All the famous and the popular leader of all time has emphasized on cleanliness.
3. If you keep your room and everything clean then you can keep calm and your mind will be relaxed.
4. It is important for our health to stay clean. If you are clean then you will get good health.
Otherwise, you can face different types of diseases and sickness.
Otherwise, you can face different types of diseases and sickness.
5. Even a dog cleans his place with nails before sitting.
6. When you’re going to buy some food, then you must get the clean one. Because it looks good, as like this in our life, we need to keep our self clean.
7. Clean clothes are a sign of nobleness. Whatever cloth you have, keep them clean.
8. This is a habit that you can acquire in any stage of your life. It doesn’t depend on your financial situation or your age or anything.
9. We need to be aware of children’s cleanliness.
10. It’s important to keep our body, house, environment and other things clean to stay healthy.
10 Lines on Cleanliness for Class 8, 9, 10
These lines are for class 8, 9 and 10 students.
1. A kid should learn properly about cleanliness. In the beginning, he needs to keep himself clean and gradually it will inspire him to keep clean the room, house, roads and overall environment.
2. If someone becomes aware of cleanliness, then we can make a better nature with an amazing environment. We can prevent lots of pollution sources and take better breaths.
3. Every school should have a special campaign about making students aware of this topic. Everyone should keep clean the school, streets and the public properties around us. If we just want to keep our things clean, it won’t work. We need to keep clean everything around us.
4. When you are walking through a road, you will find lots of dust around us. People are throwing these randomly; even there is a dustbin available. We need to let people realize the importance of cleanliness. If they realize, they will always use a dustbin in the future.
5. If you find any plastic dust, you just need to keep it in a dustbin near you. Plastics are a huge threat to the environment. They are spoiling the soil and making it unable to fertile.
6. Cleanliness should start by keeping yourself clean. You need to brush your teeth regularly. You need to cut your nails properly and need to wash your hands before eating something. All of these little habits will save you from lots of diseases.
7. Bathing twice a day is a good habit. But if you can’t bath twice, you need to bath a minimum once a day. It will keep you fresh and clean. You will feel better and it wipes all of the tiredness and disgusting feeling.
8. If you want to get a healthy life, you must need to be clean. Otherwise, you will face several types of diseases that can make you sick for a long time.
9. It is an important issue. We need to make people aware of this.
10. Swach Bharat Abhiyan in India is a really appreciating step to make India cleaner and greener than before. I hope everyone will come out and let the country begin more beautiful.
Note: These 10 lines on cleanliness is really easy to learn and good for students. You should share these with your kids.